effectiveness of vtkCleanPolyData

Joy P. Ku joyku at leland.Stanford.EDU
Fri Oct 29 20:22:18 EDT 1999

I am using vtkCleanPolyData to filter a dataset so that duplicate
points would merge.  However, no matter how I've varied the tolerance
for the vtkCleanPolyData filter (from 0.0 up to 1000), there are 2
points in my data set that remain duplicated.  Is there something
else that I need to do to get these 2 points to merge?  Is there
a more appropriate function to use?


Joy P. Ku                                     
Electrical Engineering Dept.
Stanford University                             
office:  650-498-4976, P224 LabSurge             ,            ,
email:   joyku at stanford.edu                      \_ at _      {)/ 
URL:     http://www.stanford.edu/~joyku            \/\_._,<_/     
                                                 ,_/\     /_\    
Hope is hearing the music of the future.            /    /(,     
           Faith is dancing to it today.            ~   ~      

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