window name to show up in win32

Daphne Yu dyu at
Wed Oct 27 13:42:22 EDT 1999

I havn't been able to get the vtkRenderWindow->SetWindowName()
to work on Win32.  It keeps labeling the window name to 
"Visualization Tookit - Wind32OpenGL # ".  I probed around
the src a bit and added this if condition to the files
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx (line 560) and
vtkWin32OpenGLImageWindow.cxx (line 420) and it seems to work now.

if (!this->WindowName || strlen(this->WindowName) <= 0) {
	int len = strlen( "Visualization Toolkit -Win32OpenGLImage #") 
		+ (int)ceil( (double) log10((double)(count+1) ) )+ 1; 
	windowName = new char [ len ];
	sprintf(windowName,"Visualization Toolkit -Win32OpenGLImage #%i",count++);
	delete [] windowName;

Is this the right way to fix this?  If so, can this be added to the
next release? 


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