parallel streaming

Tushar Udeshi udeshi at
Wed Oct 27 12:21:23 EDT 1999

vtkAppendPolyData has a parallel streaming option which if enabled
automatically asks for different portions of the input source for each of
its inputs. I was wondering if this can be achieved without using
vtkAppendPolyData. Here is my setup

	Reader			Reader		Reader	.....
	  |			   |		  |
	  v	  		   v		  v
     isosurface		 	isosurface	isosurface
	  |			   |		  |
	  v		     	   v		  v
		S H A R E D    M E M O R Y

All readers point to the same 3D scalar file. The number of readers is not
known at compile time. I could explicitly set the regions to be read by
each of the readers using "Volume of Interest". However, I was wondering
if the could be done automaticaly (similar to parallel streaming when
using vtkAppendPolyData).

Thanks in advance


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