Nightly : InitializeRayCasting bug?

John Biddiscombe j.biddiscombe at
Mon Oct 11 01:16:36 EDT 1999

Sorry to cause so much bother.....

I'm getting access violations at the line below. I have no volumes!!!! why
is it initializing raycasters? I suspect a bug. Strange thing is that it
only does it randomly, not consistently, when I firat create a window and
call render (before any actors are added sometimes).

surely RayCastPropCount should be zero at first. Is it possible this is
being initialized to a non zero value.

ta taaa

John B

void vtkRayCaster::InitializeRayCasting(vtkRenderer *ren)
  int                   i, j;
  vtkTransform          *transform;
  vtkMatrix4x4          *matrix;
  float                 aspect;
  float                 ren_aspect[2];
  vtkProp               *aProp;

  this->RowBounds     = new int *[this->RayCastPropCount];
  this->RowBoundsSize = new int  [this->RayCastPropCount];

  for ( i = 0; i < this->RayCastPropCount; i++ )
    aProp = this->RayCastProps[i];

HERE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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