Volume rendering structured grid data...

Lisa Sobierajski Avila lisa.avila at kitware.com
Thu Oct 7 15:36:55 EDT 1999

<x-flowed>Hi Terry,

>What I'm looking for is volume rendering for structured grids which is
>interactive (it would be fine if it achieved this via some LOD or model
>switching technique) and produces accurate results (which the user may
>have to wait for once things have stopped moving), i.e. functionality
>like the existing raycasting for structured points.

If you have a couple of methods in mind (one that is slow but produces good 
results, and one that is fast but not so great) you can always use a 
vtkLODProp3D to combine them into one "prop". You can add LODs to the 
vtkLODProp3D with independent mappers / properties, then put the whole 
thing into the renderer as one prop. It will select an LOD to render based 
on previous render times of the LODs and the allocated time it has to render.


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