Names of data in files

Simon J. Rees sjrees at
Fri Oct 1 10:22:49 EDT 1999

Can anyone tell me if there is a good way to interogate a vtk data file to
find what data fields are there (the names of the data that is). I would
like to do this (without prior knowledge of what the file contains) so that
the strings could be put in a listbox, say, so that the user could choose
what data to read. As far as I can see the most relevent methods in
vtkDataReader are:
GetScalarsName ; GetVectorsName, GetTensorsName and GetFieldDataName.
However, these only seem to be able to get to the name of the first set of
data in the file. They don't help if there are are multiple data sets of
that type?


Simon Rees
sjrees at

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