Q: Texture map "flickering"

Audrius Stundzia adv_biologic at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 30 19:57:35 EST 1999

<x-flowed>Dear fellow vtker's,

I generate an orthogonal coordinate grid system as a 2D texture
map (it's overlayed on top of another texture map image).

I find that as I zoom in and out (especially as the image gets
small) the horizontal and vertical grid line of the coordinate
grid appear and disappear ("flicker"). The InterpolateOn()
of vtkTexture reduces this flicker somewhat.

I also have the swap buffers turned on (not that this seems to make
any difference)

Why is this flickering occuring? Is this anything else I can due to reduce 
this unsightly effect?

I'm running on a Ultra-60 with a Creator 3D graphics card.

Any insight would be most appreciated. Thanks.



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