VTK, Tk and XEvents

Matt Clarkson m.clarkson at umds.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 11:30:18 EST 1999

Hi there,
	I am writing an interface, with three image viewer widgets.
If I resize the main window, the three image viewer widgets resize.

However, for one main window resize event, each image viewer widget
resizes many
times. The image viewer widgets start at their current size, and grow in 
stages until they are the requested window size, which forces multiple 
render events and consequently the resizing is slow and flickers.

Does anyone know how to stop this?

Many thanks

Matt Clarkson

Computational Imaging Science Group                
Radiological Sciences,                                  
Guy's Hospital                           
London Bridge                       
Tel: 0171 955 2380       
Fax: 0171 955 4532  
E-mail: m.clarkson at umds.ac.uk         
WWW: http://carmen.umds.ac.uk/m.clarkson

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