VTK and OpenInventor

Werner Wohlfahrter wwohlfah at crcg.edu
Wed Nov 24 16:04:08 EST 1999


I am currently evaluating VTK or Volumizer for use within our augmented
reality framework
here at the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics.
The framework is based on OpenInventor and we wish to include a volume
rendering facility.
While I like what I see in VTK there are a number of questions I am
finding it difficult to answer
and I was hoping you could help.
- I know of the work of Paul Rajlich who combined VTK and Performer.
  However this work is based on geometric models.
  Does anybody know how I can work on volume data using VTK and render
it in combination with Inventor???
- Also, is it possible to use OpenGL calls to put volume data directly
to the framebuffer??

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks ww :)

                                                         @ @
      Werner Wohlfahrter
      Fraunhofer CRCG, Inc.
      321 South Main St.
      Providence, RI 02903, USA

      phone   : (+1) 401 453-6363 x110
      email    : wwohlfah at crcg.edu, ww at cg.tuwien.ac.at
      icq       : 9611406

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