Image blending extensions to VTK

David Gobbi dgobbi at
Fri Nov 19 17:31:49 EST 1999

Hi Everyone,

I have added two new imaging classes that will appear in tomorrow's
nightly release.  These are:

vtkImageMapToColors -- pass vtkImageData through a lookup table
The output format can be set to RGBA (default), RGB, 
Luminance (i.e. 8-bit greyscale), or Luminance+Alpha.
This class supercedes vtkImageMapToRGBA, which has been deprecated.

vtkImageBlend -- blend images together
The opacity of each image can be set.  In addition, if you provide
RGBA data then alpha-blending is done.    Each input can have a 
different extent.  If only one input is specifed, then vtkImageBlend 
will simply pass the data to the output.

 - David

--David Gobbi, MSc                    dgobbi at
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

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