LOD and Texture mapping

Enrico Simonotto simon at neurodyn.umsl.edu
Tue Nov 16 13:09:43 EST 1999


I have been trying to use a LOD in a volume rendering
application. This works fine if I use ray tracing; I noticed
a problem when I use texture mapping: if the volume has been
rendered with texture mapping and I now try to render it
on orthogonal planes, like in the volSimpleLOD.tcl example,
the transparency of the planes is ignored. I regret that I haven't
been able to find a fix for this and I can only include,
at the end of the message, a diff file to modify volSimpleLOD.tcl
to use volume texture mapping (as the level 3 of the LOD) and
replicate the problem.
I'm using a recent night release (199/11/15) on Solaris 2.6,
SUN OpenGL 1.2, compiled with SUN C++ v. 4.1 and SUN C v. 4.0.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion/help.

diff -d volSimpleLOD.tcl  volSimpleLOD.1.tcl
<       -length 150 -from 0.05 -to 1.0 -resolution 0.05 \
>       -length 150 -from 0.05 -to 5.0 -resolution 0.05 \
> vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D volumeMapper1
> #volumeMapper1 SetGradientEstimator gradest
> volumeMapper1 SetInput [reader GetOutput]
< set level3 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_hres probeProperty 0.0]
< set level4 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_lres probeProperty 0.0]
< set level5 [lod AddLOD outlineMapper outlineProperty 0.0]
> set level3 [lod AddLOD volumeMapper1 volumeProperty 0.0]
> set level4 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_hres probeProperty 0.0]
> set level5 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_lres probeProperty 0.0]
> #set level3 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_hres probeProperty 0.0]
> #set level4 [lod AddLOD probeMapper_lres probeProperty 0.0]
> #set level5 [lod AddLOD outlineMapper outlineProperty 0.0]

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