Forgetabout "Post-newbie Q: C++ callbacks in custom vtk event loop ???"

Audrius Stundzia adv_biologic at
Wed Jun 30 17:20:13 EDT 1999

Dear vtker's 

To anyone vtker who actually took the trouble to read through the code
in my orginal e-mail; Sorry. I made a trivial mistake.


Audrius "If nothing works, then go and read the instructions" Stundzia

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999 14:42:56 PDT, Audrius Stundzia wrote:

> Dear vtker's
> After updating my vtk version to the latest nightly release the code
> to rotate an isosurface in response to a mouse click and drag compiles.
> However, when I run the code I get exactly nothing in response to my left
> mouse button click and drag. If I use the default Initialize and Start
> vtkRenderWindowInteractor, the isosurface rotates happily in response to 
> the mouse command.
> Any help would be most appreciated.
> Regards, 
> Audrius
> The code fragment:
> //-----Callback variables and static functions
> int  lastXYPosition[2];
> int *pLastXYPosition = lastXYPosition;
> static void RotateCallBack( void *arg) 
> { 
>   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor = (vtkRenderWindowInteractor
>   pLastXYPosition = interactor->GetEventPosition();
>   interactor->StartRotate();
> }
> static void NullCallBack( void *arg)
> { 
> }
> static void LeftButtonPressedCallBack( void *arg) 
> {
>   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor = (vtkRenderWindowInteractor
>   pLastXYPosition = interactor->GetEventPosition();
>   interactor->SetTimerMethod( RotateCallBack
>                             , (void *) interactor );
>   interactor->StartTimer();
> }
> static void LeftButtonReleasedCallBack(  void *arg)
> {
>   vtkRenderWindowInteractor *interactor = (vtkRenderWindowInteractor
>   interactor->EndTimer();
>   interactor->SetTimerMethod( NullCallBack
>                             , (void *) interactor );
>   pLastXYPosition = interactor->GetEventPosition();
> }
>  . . . in the body of the code  . . .
> //-----Rendering loop
> while(1)
> {   
>    myInteractor->SetEventPosition( lastXYPosition);
>    myWindow->Render();
> } 
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