getting at points, edges in a structured mesh

Ben Held ben.held at
Tue Jun 22 15:10:55 EDT 1999


I am have several vtkStructuredGrid objects that I am passing through
vtkGeometryFilter objects to obtain a representation containing just free
faces (edges, nodes).  I then combine the outputs from the
vtkGeometryFilter into a single vtkPolyData object using vtkAppendPolyData.
 This works fine for drawing the mesh, but now I want to draw the edges and
nodes on the mesh.  if I call
vtkAppendPolyData->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfCells(), 0 is returned.
Likewise, if I call any of the GetNumberOf* functions defined in
vtkPolyData, I always get 0.  There is data in this object, because I can
see it if I pass this objec as input to a vtkPolyDataMapper object.

Any ideas?  Also, once I have access to the nodes, element edges, what is
the best way to render them?


ben.held at
Ben L. Held
Simulation Technology & Applied Research, Inc.
11520 N. Port Washington Rd.
Suite 101 B
Mequon, WI  53092
Phone: (414) 240-0293
FAX: (414) 240-0294
e-mail: ben.held at

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