Transformation Matrix

Ana Cugat c1f6326 at
Mon Jul 26 14:22:53 EDT 1999


Hi, I'm rotating and moving my actors, a bit like in the flamingo example. 
I'd like to get the transform matrix that converts my actor from the 
original position and scale to the new one. I'm using vtkActor->GetMatrix() 
but I don't quite understand the results I obtain. For example, if I scale 
the object the matrix I obtain is

    1.30565 0 0 -33.9091
    0 1.30565 0 -33.6466
    0 0 1.30565 -33.6215
    0 0 0 1

and the 1.3065 corresponds to the scaling (as I can see if I call 
vtkActor->GetScale()) shouldn't the scale factor be in the last row?

If now I rotateY 90 degrees the matrix remains the same, even if the 
orientation of the actor has changed.

Isn't there a way to obtain the matrix?



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