sigtrap? (how to update texture coord)

Dongbai Guo dbg at
Fri Jul 23 17:20:01 EDT 1999

I would like to update the texture coordinates for a polydata, e.g. to
do the following: 

 vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter *  ds_mesh ; 
 vtkPoints * points= ds_mesh->GetOutput()->GetPoints();	
 int npts= points->GetNumberOfPoints();
 // for each point, update its texture coordinates ...

 // ds_mesh pass its output to a  mapper
 // render

However, I get sigtrap each time I am trying to find number of points.
It appears to me that points points to non-valid address.

if I comment out the update texture coordinates code, let the pipe line
run as before, no error occurs. 

My question is: can you update the texture coordinate once polydata is in
the visualization pipeline? (not in source )
If you can,  filters such as decimate or smooth does not update texture
coordinate themselves, how can I update it, should the update code be
reside in excute() function instead? 

Please help, thanks! 

Good luck! 


	Tel:   401-863-7693 (graphics lab)

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