ImageReslice in vtk23

David Gobbi dgobbi at
Wed Jul 21 12:42:14 EDT 1999

Hi Kerrie,

I was wondering if you could try the version of vtkImageReslice
that comes with with vtk2.4?  If any bugs remain in vtkImageReslice, 
I would like to remove them before the vtk3.0 release.

Nearly all of the bugs in older versions of vtkImageReslice could
be eliminated through the use of the OptimizationOff(), which also
causes to run less efficiently.  You can try that as well.

 - David 

--David Gobbi, MSc                    dgobbi at
  Advanced Imaging Research Group
  Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Kerrie Holton Tainter wrote:

> I have noticed that I can't get reslice to work when the trilinear
> interpolation is turned on.  Maybe this is the problem.
> I used an algorithm just like yours, though I specified my own
> transform instead of constructing it from the identity.  It worked
> okay with nearest neighbor.  Either it's interpolation, or maybe
> something with your transform.
> Kerrie
> Ana Cugat wrote:
> > I would like to know if there is any problem with vtkImageReslice. I used
> > with vtk22 and I had no problem, but the same application running with vtk23
> > produces strange results!!!
> >
> > If I do:
> >
> > vtkTransform transform
> > transform Identity
> > transform RotateY -90.0
> >
> > vtkImageReslice reslice
> > reslice SetResliceTransform transform
> > reslice SetInput [reader GetOutput]
> >
> > it doesn't work while it worked with vtk22. I think has to do with
> > SetOutputExtent, but I didn't use it with vtk22 and it worked??!
> >
> > Ana Cugat
> >
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