Immediate mode rendering for vtkMapper2D

Ben Held ben.held at
Fri Jul 9 16:40:55 EDT 1999


I have determined that I need to turn on ImmediateModeRendering to get
printing to work under Windows NT.  I can easily do this for objects
derived from vtkMapper.  HOwever, I have a vtkScalarBarActor, which
contains a vtkMapper2D object.  vtkMapper2D does NOT contain functions for
setting ImmediateModeRendering , and therefore my scalar bar will not print
properly.  Moreover, after trying to print a scalar bar, the color bar is
still visible, but all of the text (title and values) disappears.

Any ideas?


Ben L. Held
Simulation Technology & Applied Research, Inc.
11520 N. Port Washington Rd.
Suite 101 B
Mequon, WI  53092
Phone: (414) 240-0293
FAX: (414) 240-0294
e-mail: ben.held at

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