Two questions (2D and Performance)

Henk Aling aling at
Thu Jul 1 16:06:00 EDT 1999

Two questions from a newbee to VTK:

1) Has there been any significant 2D graphics development on
   top of VTK (as a set of subclasses or some other API) ?
   That is, besides the few 2D classes in the VTK disctribution ?
   I'm thinking of popular engineering/business graphics features
   lik log scaling, strip/bar/pie charts, font selection,
   legends, annotation, line styles etcetera.
2) Having built the optimized non-incremental VTK libraries 
   I wonder why any simple demos are so slow compared to Java3D.
   A simple rotating cube in VTK for example (Cube.cxx) runs
   10 times slower than a similar Java3D demo on the PC.
   It should be the other way around, right ? 
   I can think of a reason why; VTK probably does a lot more color 
   shading and related interpolation (that I did not ask for but that 
   apparently comes by default) than Java3D where every side of the 
   cube has a single flat color.
   Can anyone tell me how to set the defaults for optimum performance ?
   Just so that I know if VTK is hopelessly inefficient or if it's
   usage related.
   Also, where can I find how objects are rasterized;
   with a (fast) object-order approach or (slow) ray-tracing ?
   Is this object specific or is this a property of the set of all
   objects in the scene ?

Also I would like to know if there are more common output formats
like PostScript, and metafile (PC) and how hard it is to cut-and-paste
images into (Word) documents.

Thanks in advance,

Henk Aling.

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