Attribute Data Questions

Brian Adams Brian_Adams at
Thu Jul 1 15:38:10 EDT 1999

Hello All vtk experts!

  I am a little confused as to how vtk handles attribute data like vectors,
scalars and field data.  I am not exactly sure the best way to phrase my
"problem" so first here are a few general questions I had..

1)  Where in the vtkPolyData is this attribute data stored?
2)  How can I get/set/change this data?
  One specific application we are working on is to have a set of two
principle direction vectors and a normal vector associated with each point in a
data set. 
  We have run into two problems.  We can store all this information in one vtk
data file and extract it as vtkPolyData, but that only allows us to extract one
vector for each vtkPolyData set.
  The other solution was to create 3 separate vtkVectors. But, how would you
extract those from a vtk data file?  It seems like you can only get the name.
(It looks like we might be able to extract them using
vtkDataReader::ReadVectorData, is there a better way?)  Also, once we have the
vtkVectors, then what?  When we had the vtkPolyData we could just use a glyph,
but not so with a vtkVectors.

Ok.. I think that about sums it up.  Sorry if I have made you as confused as I
am.  Thanks in advance.


Brian Adams
Box 5323, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912
E-MAIL:Brian_Adams at 

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