3D Axis

Christian Klesper geochris at gfz-potsdam.de
Thu Jul 1 02:32:50 EDT 1999

> the 3D axis to change accordingly, but remain in the bottom corner of
> the window.  I've been 'playing' with vtkAxis and vtkFollower (to keep
> the XYZ labels oriented properly), but my ad hoc solution seems to be
> getting very complicated for a task that I'd imagine is quite routine
> for many people.  Also, the axis doesn't stay in the corner of the
> window as I'd like it to.  I've included some parts of my code below

my solution is to create a second 3D-axis and a second outlinebox in
a subframe of my renderwindow. These actors are only allowed to
rotate in the same way as the "main actors" in the renderer. I
do not let them scale, pan nor zoom, so I still know where I'am
if I lost the orientation in the main renderer.
See also the attached snapshot to get an imagination of what I mean.

I hope this helps

  |  Dr. Christian Klesper                                            |
  |                                    mailto:geochris at gfz-potsdam.de | 
  |                                         fax:   +49 (331) 288-1349 |
  |  GeoForschungsZentrum                 voice:   +49 (331) 288-1343 |
  |  Haus C, Projektbereich 3.4         URL:http://www.gfz-potsdam.de |
  |  Albert-Einstein-Strasse                                          |
  |  D-14407 Potsdam  -  GERMANY                                      |

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