clipping with implicit function

Ana Cugat c1f6326 at
Tue Jul 6 20:48:24 EDT 1999

hello all,

I would like to use an implicit function as a sort of threshold to obtain 
the  point ids of the input dataset which are inside (or whatever) the 
implicit function.

I would like to change the scalars of the input dataset which lays inside 
the implicit function. I'm using vtkClipPolyData but the output is always a 
different dataset.

I suppose that vtkClipPolyData uses the point ids of the original dataset to 
find out if the points are inside or not the implicit function. Is there a 
way to get these point ids of the input dataset??

It would be something like this:

if ((mydata->GetPoints()->GetPoint(pId))isinside(ImplicitFunction)) {

Thank you very much

Ana Cugat

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