the "Bypass" feature in imaging

Lisa S. Avila lisa.avila at
Fri Dec 17 02:07:37 EST 1999

Hi John,

>PS. vtkImageToStructuredPoints is still well knackered. :( I daren't
>mention it really because I'm sure you're all fed up with it.

Hopefully when I finish these changes vtkImageToStructuredPoints won't be
used anymore (although it still has some nice features to it and will
probably just turn into a "normal" filter). I am in the process of making
all filters that take vtkStructuredPoints as input be able to handle the
fact that they might receive more input than requested (and hence will need
to use both sets of increments to traverse the data). Of course, if this
turns out to require too much time I will abandon it for this version and
leave vtkImageToStructuredPoints in there for now.


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