loading vtk libraries into vtk

Miguel Angel Martin Fernandez vtk at helios.tel.uva.es
Thu Dec 9 05:54:28 EST 1999


	I'm trying to load dinamically a library into vtk with tcl, using
the tcl command load. For example, I'm compiling vtk2.4 without the option
--with-local, and then I compile the library libVTKLocalTcl.so and try
to load it dinamically into vtk (tcl/tk program). I obtain an error:

couldn't load file "libVTKLocalTcl.so":
/usr/local/lib/libVTKLocalTcl.so: undefined symbol: __11vtkMyClass

being vtkMyClass the name of the class I've put in local library.

	If I compile with the option --with-local, I don't obtain the same
error although loading it again (it's already linked in the vtk program).

	I don't know why is this happening because in previous versions of
VTK this didn't happen (at least until 2.2 version).

	Does anybody know (especially vtk authors) how can I avoid this
error without using --with-local option?

	Any help will be very wellcome.

	Thanx in advance. 


                     Miguel Ángel Martín Fernández
                          ETSI Telecomunicaion
                       Universidad de Valladolid
                         Campus Miguel Delibes 
                    e-mail: miguel at atenea.tel.uva.es
                      Tfono: 983-423000 ext: 25548

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