Destroying VTK objects from TCL

Kenneth Wang kenwang at leland.Stanford.EDU
Sat Dec 4 15:13:40 EST 1999


I recently posted a message which incorrectly suggested that doing the
following in Tcl:

   % rename myvtkobj {}

was better than invoking vtk's Delete binding:

   % myvtkobj Delete

Marc Schrijver pointed out to me that these are equivalent (thanks
Marc!), and I agree with him that calling Delete is definitely more


> Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 20:01:41 +0000
> From: Matt Clarkson <m.clarkson at>
> To: vtkusers at
> Subject: Destroying VTK objects from TCL
> Hi there,
> 	just a quick question.
> How do you correctly destroy a VTK object, from TCL.
> I think this was posted a while ago, but I cant find it in the archive.
> Many thanks
> Matt

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