vtk & MFC: saving as bitmap using vtkWin32MappedInteractor::SaveBMP()
Klaus Nowikow
knowikow at iac.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Aug 18 11:36:49 EDT 1999
I copied the OnEditCopy function to my project, but when I use the
function, I still have the old problem:
the window only shows a white area, as well as the copied image.
Roland Schwarz wrote:
> Hello Klaus,
> have a look on the Sample subdirectory of vtk2.3. The class
> vtkMFCView has a member function OnEditCopy that copies
> the bitmap to the clipboard. I think it should be straightforward
> to copy this to a file too. And it works, I have tried it.
> Gruesze,
> Roland
Klaus Nowikow
Vienna University of Technology
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Getreidemarkt 9/E151
A - 1060 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43/1/58801 - 15124
email: mailto:knowikow at iac.tuwien.ac.at
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