[vtk-developers] [vtkusers] Transition to Discourse - thoughts from lurker

Paul Douglas Hahn pdhahn at compintensehpc.com
Wed Jan 23 17:22:25 EST 2019

OK, thanks for that. Sounds more innocuous.

As a remark, I believe that the quality of analytic products done on 
mailing lists is far less than that which can be done on community sites 
with engines in the middle, especially for one reason: the latter allows 
tracking message /reads/ in detail, and moreover, /who/ does the reads 
(vs. who does not), and what are the characteristics. All this to 
formulate rich feature vectors for ANN training. I believe that that is 
not feasible with mailing lists, but I may be wrong. And of course, it's 
easy enough to correlate names to confidential info already snarfed into 
the world of databases out there.

- Paul

On 1/23/19 4:03 PM, David Gobbi wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> As far as I understand, Kitware is running Discourse on their own 
> server.  So even if it is bought out, Kitware can continue to use the 
> version that they currently have and fork/patch it as necessary.  And 
> I'm sure that if anyone audits the Discourse code base and finds that 
> it is leaking analytics to someone, Kitware would be happy to plug the 
> leak.
> In any case, there's plenty of analytics that companies can do based 
> on public mailing lists, and I don't think a public forum is any 
> different in that regard unless you include confidential info in your 
> profile.
>   David
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 2:25 PM Paul Douglas Hahn 
> <pdhahn at compintensehpc.com <mailto:pdhahn at compintensehpc.com>> wrote:
>     I realize I am not an important voice for this topic, but with
>     Discourse, I can say that I anticipate termination of "real-time"
>     monitoring of VTK issues that I now do with the mailing lists. I
>     do not
>     want to be on a "free" community site that is or might become
>     oriented
>     to make money of me one way or another (hidden), tracking me, etc.
>     etc.
>     Hmmm ... so how long will it take Microsoft to come in and buy
>     Discourse
>     just like they did with Github? And what is the relationship (if any)
>     between Bloomberg's Discourse Analytics
>     (www.discourseanalytics.com <http://www.discourseanalytics.com>) and
>     Discourse.org? They both have similar logos. Just wondering.
>     Bye,
>     Paul


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