[vtk-developers] vtk-8.2.0-rc2 problem building wheels

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Tue Dec 18 08:43:41 EST 2018

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 17:05:41 -0500, Matt McCormick wrote:
> The purpose is not to create dependent projects. The purpose is to
> create VTK modules. What is the distinction? The former requires
> creation, from scratch, a project dependency resolution system and an
> ad-hoc way to specify dependencies. The latter facilitates extending
> VTK as a library in a scalable way.

VTK modules are a layer on top of CMake targets for handling optional
dependencies, wrapping, autoinit, kit compiling, etc. They are indicated
via properties on targets and can be provided by any package. They don't
need to come from `find_package(VTK)` at all. VTK provides VTK's
modules. ParaView provides its modules, ITK would provide its modules.
VTK is special only in that it is the source for the module CMake API
and contains some things like the wrapping tools, core wrapping
libraries, etc.


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