[vtk-developers] Cycles introduced in recent commit

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 23:57:49 EST 2018


Yur IO/Web has introduced a cyclic dependency.


CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following
strongly connected component (cycle):

  "vtkOpenGL" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkRendering" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIO" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistryOpenGL2Objects" (strong)

  "vtkRendering" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkIO" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" (weak)

    depends on "vtkOpenGL" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (weak)

  "vtkIO" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRendering" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" (weak)

    depends on "vtkOpenGL" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIOWebObjects" (strong)

  "vtkDomainsChemistry" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkIO" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRendering" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" (weak)

    depends on "vtkOpenGL" (weak)

  "vtkDomainsChemistryOpenGL2Objects" of type OBJECT_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (strong)

  "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkOpenGL" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRendering" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIO" (weak)

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (weak)

  "vtkIOExport" of type SHARED_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkIO" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRendering" (weak)

    depends on "vtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2" (weak)

    depends on "vtkOpenGL" (weak)

    depends on "vtkDomainsChemistry" (weak)

  "vtkIOWebObjects" of type OBJECT_LIBRARY

    depends on "vtkIOExport" (strong)

At least one of these targets is not a STATIC_LIBRARY.  Cyclic
dependencies are allowed only among static libraries.

-- Build files have been written to: /Users

Unpaid intern in BillsParadise at noware dot com

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