[vtk-developers] ImageSampleDistance not used in vtkOpenGLGPURayCastMapper?

Elvis Stansvik elvis.stansvik at orexplore.com
Mon Feb 13 06:54:01 EST 2017

I was digging through the code trying to understand how the
auto-adjustment of sample distance and image sample distance takes
place in the GPU volume ray cast mapper. From the looks of it, the
ImageSampleDistance is not respected by this mapper, even in the
non-automatic case, or am I missing something?

The only role ImageSampleDistance seems to play for this mapper is
when the reduction factor is calculated (when auto-adjustment is
turned off):

  if ( !this->AutoAdjustSampleDistances )
    this->ReductionFactor = 1.0 / this->ImageSampleDistance;


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