[vtk-developers] GSoC 2015 Shared Memory Parallelism in VTK

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Mar 27 07:32:53 EDT 2015

Dear Lijun,

It is not a core requirement to have experience in shared-memory
parallelism. However, I should mention that I am aware of several
applicants that understand the problem really well and will have strong
proposals. At the end, it will come to the quality of the proposals we
receive and all other things being equal, we will likely prefer candidates
that have experience in the area.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Lijun Yu <yulj04 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Berk and David,
> I'm Lijun Yu, a PhD student in applied math in the US. I just know about
> the GSoC a few days ago. I'm intested in the project Shared Memory
> Parallelism in VTK. I did image processing project and course before but I
> just have some basic idea about the multi-threaded code development
> though I took a course on the theory for the parallel computation. I don't
> know if it is a core requirement for  a person to have the milti-threaded
> code development experience to qualify for the project. Thanks for the
> suggestions.
> Best,
> Lijun Yu
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