[vtk-developers] Filter Coefficients of Butterworth filter from Cutoff Frequency and Filter Degree

Ashray Malhotra ashraymalhotra1 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 03:39:28 EDT 2015


I am working to include "Eulerian Motion Magnification" in VTK. It requires
me to implement temporal filtering(time domain filtering) of image
pyramids. I have already implemented the IIR filtering and was exploring
the possiblity to expand this to other filtering techiques. I want to add
Butterworth filtering option as well along with IIR but I can't find any
suitable class already implemented in VTK(I did have a look at the
vtkImageButterworthLowPass class but it takes an image as input which
doesnt serve my use case).

I had implemented this in python(
sometime back but there I had used scipy.signal.butter to get the filter
coefficients. Can someone please tell me if there is any such
functionality(to get filter coefficients of lowpass butterworth filter
given the filter degree and cutoff frequencies) in VTK?

Thanks a lot.

Ashray Malhotra
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