[vtk-developers] Class design for spline visualizations

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Mon Apr 6 16:39:44 EDT 2015

Hi Lin,

If you are not familiar with git or the gitlab workflow for submitting branches, a project that would be an easy first step is to memoize[1] the vtkMath::Factorial function (which along with vtkMath::Binomial) could be used to compute coefficients for the Bernstein-Bezier polynomial.

1. cd /src
   git clone git at gitlab.kitware.com:yourAccount/VTK.git
   cd VTK
2. git checkout -b memoize-factorial
3. Modify vtkMath.{h,cxx} to memoize the factorial function and test it.
4. git commit -a
5. Assuming your fork of VTK is the remote named "origin", run
   git push origin memoize-factorial
6. In a browser, visit https://gitlab.kitware.com/VTK/VTK and submit a merge request (which indicates you want us to merge your memoize-factorial branch into VTK's master branch).


[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoize

>> I have written a simple class to evaluate interpolated coordinates. How can I submit the code for test?
> Please create an account on https://gitlab.kitware.com/ . You can then fork the VTK repository https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk and push branches to your fork of VTK for me and others on the mailing list to examine.
> 	Thanks,
> 	David
>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Lin M <majcjc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, I got it now. :-)
>> The only left thing is a presumption that how control points are arranged.
>> My opinion is that the control points are stored in this order:
>> P_{0, 0, 0};P_{1, 0, 0};...;P_{degree[0], 0, 0};
>> P_{0, 1, 0};P_{1, 1, 0};...;P_{degree[0], 1, 0};
>> ...
>> P_{0, degree[1], 0};P_{1, degree[1], 0};...;P_{degree[0], degree[1], 0};
>> P_{0, 0, 1};P_{1, 0, 1};...;P_{degree[0], 0, 1};
>> ...
>> P_{0, degree[1], degree[2]};P_{1, degree[1], degree[2]};...;P_{degree[0], degree[1], degree[2]};
>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 10:55 AM, David Thompson <david.thompson at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lin,
>> One last correction: P_i will have 4 components per tuple. The outputPt array may have either 3 or 4 components per tuple (depending on whether you perform the projection division operation or not).
>>        David
>> On Apr 6, 2015, at 10:53 AM, David Thompson <david.thompson at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>> In the function:
>>>> void InterpolateOnPatch(vtkDataArray* outputPt, vtkDataArray* P_i, double* r);
>>> Sorry, I see that I did not specify quite enough information. In addition to P_i, you will also need to know how the control points are arranged. So, a proper signature could be
>>> void InterpolateOnPatch(vtkDataArray* outputPt, int dim, vtkDataArray* P_i, int* degree, double* r);
>>> where
>>> outputPt is a VTK data array to hold interpolated points.
>>>          It will have 3 components; you should use InsertNextPoint()
>>>          to add the 3-D coordinates mapped from r by the patch.
>>> dim      is the dimension of the parameter-space.
>>>          This is the size of the arrays named r and degree.
>>> P_i      is a VTK data array of control point coordinates.
>>>          It will have 3 components per tuple.
>>>          The number of tuples will be the product of the entries
>>>          in degree + 1. For example, if dim == 3, then P_i should
>>>          have (degree[0] + 1)*(degree[1] + 1)*(degree[2] + 1) tuples.
>>> degree   is an array of integer values specifying the degree
>>>          of along each parametric coordinate in the patch.
>>>          When dim == 1, degree has a single entry specifying the
>>>          degree of a curve (degree[0] == 1 -> linear, degree[0] == 3 -> cubic).
>>> r        is an array of parametric coordinates specifying a single point
>>>          on the patch. It is of length dim.
>>> I am working on a test that will pass this function curve, surface, and volume patches of different degree including some well-known test cases like this biquartic sphere of parametric dimension 2 (dim == 2):
>>> http://content.lib.utah.edu/utils/getfile/collection/uspace/id/3043/filename/2155.pdf
>>> Does this make more sense?
>>>      David
>>>> 1. Do I assume that i and r are both a 3-vectors here? If not, how do I determine the dimension of that?
>>>> 2. Do I assume the highest degree of each polynomial dimension is equal to each other, thus the maximum of (i,j,k) for P_{i,j,k} can be calculated by max(i)=max(j)=max(k)=P_i->GetNumberOfTuples()/3?
>>>> 3. Even I know the maximum of (i,j,k), what's the order of storage for the P_i in memory?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Lin
>>>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 12:56 PM, David Thompson <david.thompson at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>> My name is Lin. I'm interested in the project idea about spline visualizations from VTK/GSoC2015. I hope I can make some works on this topic and I understand that many preliminary discussions are needed for a new set of classes in VTK. This mail will contain the conversations about class design for this project.
>>>> Hi Lin,
>>>> One of the first things we should discuss is notation so we can be consistent and avoid confusion.
>>>> Notation
>>>> --------
>>>> One of the first steps will be interpolating points on Bézier patches given control points, P_i, and parametric coordinates, r. Note that i and r may be 1-, 2-, or 3-vectors depending on whether the patch is a curve, surface, or volumetric region. Because VTK assumes points always have 3-D coordinates, each control point will always have 4 coordinates (3 spatial coordinates plus a denominator because we are interested in rational functions). So, a simple bilinear surface patch might be defined by
>>>> P_{0,0} = (0,0,0,1)
>>>> P_{1,0} = (1,0,2,1)
>>>> P_{1,1} = (1,1,0,1)
>>>> P_{0,1} = (0,1,1,1)
>>>> and for r = (0.5, 0.5), P(r) = (0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 1). P(r) can be projected to a 3-D point by dividing the first 3 coordinates by the fourth. Let's call the projected version P'(r) = (0.5/1, 0.5/1, 0.75/1).
>>>> As the degree increases, more control points will be required. The example above is for a rectangular patch. Bézier patches may also be triangular or tetrahedral by using barycentric coordinates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_triangle
>>>> VTK background
>>>> --------------
>>>> Because we are dealing with rational patches, one of the first issues will be how control points are represented. The vtkPoints class assumes that points always have 3 coordinates (not 4 like our control points). We can
>>>> 1. Assume that control points are specified with 2 things: a vtkPoints instance plus a vtkDataArray holding the denominators.
>>>> 2. Create a new vtkControlPoints class that inherits from vtkPoints and allows for an extra coordinate.
>>>> 3. Not use vtkPoints instances at all and store control points in a vtkDataArray with 4 components per tuple.
>>>> I am leaning toward option 2. Note that these classes do not force a particular memory layout because of recent changes to the VTK array classes. So, another related issue is how the interpolation techniques can be written to allow alternative memory layouts so that isogeometric finite element simulations can specify the memory layout instead of forcing the simulation to adopt VTK's.
>>>> It would be a good idea to read this wiki page: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/InSituDataStructures (especially the "Mapped vtkDataArrays" section) to understand how the array classes have changed recent to allow different memory layouts.
>>>> A good first step would be to write a few tests to perform interpolation of some simple 1-, 2-, and 3-D patches given control points in a vtkDataArray and using the vtkDataArrayIteratorMacro to access control point coordinates. I can provide some control points, parametric coordinates, and the correct interpolated point values if you provide a function like
>>>> void InterpolateOnPatch(vtkDataArray* outputPt, vtkDataArray* P_i, double* r);
>>>> that interpolates P_i(r) and stores the result in outputPt by calling outputPt->InsertNextTuple().
>>>>       David

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