[vtk-developers] About vtkParametricSpline Initialize() performance

Simon ESNEAULT simon.esneault at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 04:45:31 EDT 2013

Hi all,

We use a lot vtkParametricSpline here, with quite a lot of points, ~4000
With that number of points, the method "Initialize()" takes around 0.7
seconds (vtk 5.8, linux, intel Core i7 at 3.0 Ghz)

After some hack, this time is reduced to : 0.001 seconds, (700x speed up
!), for the exact same result

Explanations :
While digging into the code, I've noticed that for each added point in
vtkSpline, there is a call of the method SortAndUpdateRange() in
vtkPiecewiseFunction, and after that, a search through all the nodes in
order to return the array index of the point.
Now in vtkParametricSpline, all the point are added with something like :
    for ( len = 0.0, i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
      len += sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,xPrev));
      xPrev[0]=x[0]; xPrev[1]=x[1]; xPrev[2]=x[2];

2 remarks :
- we don't need to sort because all the points are added already sorted
(the variable "len" can only increase), or at least we should sort only
once at the end
- we don't use the return value (no need to search)

So I've added a method in vtkSpline which looks like :
void vtkSpline::AddPoints (double* t, double* x, int n)
  this->PiecewiseFunction->AddPoints (t, x, n);

And another one in vtkPiecewiseFunction which looks like this :
void vtkPiecewiseFunction::AddPoints( double* x, double* y, int n )
  for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ){
    vtkPiecewiseFunctionNode *node = new vtkPiecewiseFunctionNode;
    node->X         = x[i];
    node->Y         = y[i];
    node->Sharpness = 0.0;
    node->Midpoint  = 0.5;

Finally the modified vtkParametricSpline Initialize() method looks like :
    double lengths[npts];
    double pointx[npts];
    double pointy[npts];
    double pointz[npts];
    for ( len = 0.0, i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
      len += sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,xPrev));
      lengths[i] = len;
      pointx[i] = x[0];
      pointy[i] = x[1];
      pointz[i] = x[2];
      xPrev[0]=x[0]; xPrev[1]=x[1]; xPrev[2]=x[2];

Conclusion :
I know 4000 points for a spline is somewhat stupid, but the gain is
significant and maybe this can help some other people. Also, maybe this can
be useful for TransferFunction with a big number of points. And last but no
least, on windows, the underlying std::sort is especially slow in Debug,
because visual studio enables some heap debugging. So the gain in
performance may even be higher in that case.


Simon Esneault
13 rue Vasselot
35000 Rennes, France
Tel : 06 64 61 30 94
Mail : simon.esneault at gmail.com
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