[vtk-developers] Attempting topic merge

Marcus D. Hanwell marcus.hanwell at kitware.com
Tue Feb 22 13:59:44 EST 2011

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:48 PM, David Doria <daviddoria at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Glenn Faken <glenn.faken at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Part of our course is to try and get any code that we fix merged in with
>> the official release. If not that is ok but it would be like extra brownie
>> points if we could. Would using those other sites be a good first step and
>> then move on to official? From looking at the git turturial it looked like
>> when you make a topic it was kind of like a side off shoot that I could mess
>> around with and then when I push it to git it would then evaluated. If the
>> code didn't mess anything up then it would be moved onto the next stage till
>> it was apart of the main code. I guess the way I read it made it seem like
>> its my own playground until somebody approved the changes.
> Glenn,
> The "official" entry process is through Gerrit as of late. You have to
> push to Gerrit and have a couple of people approve the changes. Only
> then can you push to master.
That is not correct, if you do not have push access (which we don't
give straight away) then either sharing topics on Github/Gitorious or
pushing your commits to Gerrit is the only way to get your changes
looked at. Then emailing the development list asking for a review is a
good way to go. If you use Gerrit then some of us, such as myself, get
emailed whenever a VTK commit is pushed.

Once it is approved then one of us would need to merge it. If you
continued to contribute changes, and the quality was good, then we
would look at giving greater privileges to directly merge your changes
using the stage. Is that clearer?


I added a brief section about basic use of Gerrit to push a topic
branch (taken from ParaView's page).

Marcus D. Hanwell, Ph.D.
R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
(518) 881-4937

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