[vtk-developers] Memory leak in vtkSmartPointer

Nasztanovics Ferenc naszta at naszta.hu
Tue Jun 22 23:12:50 EDT 2010


In vtkSmartPointer we have the following code:

static T* CheckType(T* t) { return t; }
template <class U>
vtkSmartPointer& operator=(const vtkSmartPointer<U>& r)
  return *this;

void TakeReference(T* t)
  *this = vtkSmartPointer<T>(t, NoReference());


In my code I use 

vtkSmartPointer<vtkSomething> foo;
foo.TakeReference( vtkSomething::New() ); 

the reference count is 2. I tried the following code, too:

vtkSmartPointer<vtkSomething> foo;
foo = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSomething>::New() ); 

but the reference number is still 2.

Best regards,

Ferenc Nasztanovics

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