[vtk-developers] I would like to give some VTK classes

Nasztanovics Ferenc naszta at naszta.hu
Tue Dec 8 02:09:46 EST 2009

Dear Kitware,

I use your VTK library for years. I would like to add 3 useful library for QVTK.


1) vtkQtOutputWindow

It is a subclass of vtkOutputWindow and it writes out VTK output to a Qt widget (vtkQtOutTextWidget).

2) vtkQtOutTextWidget

It is a thread safe widget to write out VTK output. Qt 4.4 or higher its base is QPlainTextEdit, else QTextEdit.

3) QVTKOutputWindow

It is a full implementation of output window. Practically it is made in "main" function.

For Infovis:

4) vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy

It is a graph drawing strategy. It works on vtkDirectedGraphs, where there is no loop.

Best regards,

Ferenc Nasztanovics
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