[vtk-developers] [LONG]Core-promoted OpenGL extensions management in VTK

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Feb 13 16:43:18 EST 2007


I see the problem, and have in fact run into it a couple of times.  The solution you present seems reasonable, and I won't have any heartburn if you add it today, but I do have a few reservations.  Many of these issues you already brought up, but I wanted to simply put in my perspective.

* There is a lot of manual coding to get this to work.  There is no way for the automated tools to identify the promotions, nor is there even a way to build the links for a promotion that is identified by a human.  That makes the implementation kind of icky (stop me if I get too technical).  It also means that users might run into other promoted extensions that have not yet been hand coded in.  It would be nice if there was a mechanism so that if someone identified and coded a promotion, they could use it without having to modify VTK and then be able to submit it for inclusion into the repository.

* There is no documentation for the promoted extensions.  I wouldn't say that there is a lot of documentation for vtkgl.h (or any at all, for that matter), but at least there is a well defined mapping from the OpenGL extension documentation to its accessor in vtkgl.h.  There is no such thing for these promoted extensions.  There needs to be some way to document which extensions are promoted and what these extensions are promoted to.

* Consider multiple promotions.  Over time an extension can be promoted up to four times: from vendor specific (NV, ATI, MESA, APPLE, etc), to multi-vendor (EXT), to ARB sanctioned, and finally to version feature.  What happens when an EXT code that is being promoted to an ARB extension gets changed to promote to a version feature?

Your message also mentioned a few more issues.

If I remember my history correctly, the vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper3D was written before vtkOpenGLExtensionManager was available.  The Apple-specific code is probably a throwback from the original implementation that probably did not get updated fully.  The replacement code you provided looks correct to me.

I never noticed the issue with the glVertexAttrib*ARB and like functions.  That sounds pretty much like a bug to me.  The solution is probably to add yet another special case to ParseOGLExt to load the functions correctly (assuming someone is actually being effected by this bug).

It looks like the www.opengl.org web page is superseding the one maintained by SGI, but I can't find anything to confirm that.  I don't think there should be any issue in updated the glext.h headers in VTK, but keep in mind that when you do you may need to make changes to ParseOGLExt to get it to load correctly.

On a positive note, it looks like the OpenGL folks are working on building separate specification files that will be easier to parse than the header files.  Using those may take some of the pain out of maintaining ParseOGLExt.  However, it looks like format for those files is still in flux, so you may want to hold off before switching.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: vtk-developers-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at vtk.org [mailto:vtk-
> developers-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at vtk.org] On Behalf Of Francois Bertel
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:10 PM
> To: VTK Developers List
> Subject: [vtk-developers] [LONG]Core-promoted OpenGL extensions management
> in VTK
> Hi,
> This email is mainly for Ken Moreland as he implemented the OpenGL
> extension mechanism in VTK but if any of you has any comment or advice
> about the topic of this message, feel free to be part of the discussion.
> 1. Problem
> 2. Solution
> 3. Example in VTK
> 4. Implementation of vtkgl::LoadPromotedExtension
> 5. Other issues with glext.h and vtkgl.cxx
> 6. glext.h version
> *******************************************************************
> 1. Problem
> *******************************************************************
> Crossing different documents about OpenGL extensions on different
> platforms (see references at the end), it seems that the good way to deal
> with core-promoted OpenGL extensions (I'm not talking about other
> extensions, just the core-promoted ones) is to first check for the OpenGL
> version for which it was promoted, and if this version is not supported
> check for the extension itself.
> [1] describes how to use the OpenGL extension mechanism in VTK. In the
> OpenGL faq [2], there is a section about dealing with extensions on
> Windows: "23.070 How can I call extension routines on Microsoft Windows?"
> and another section to deal with extensions on Linux "23.080 How can I
> call extension routines on Linux?" There is also the description of the
> Linux ABI in [3]. Finally, there is a technical document to deal with
> extensions on a Mac [4].
> The key statement comes from the Apple document:
> [4] states that "it is worth noting that renderers may or may not support
> the extensions which the API functionality is based. For example if a
> renderer reports version 1.3, it may or may not support the
> GL_ARB_texture_env_combine or GL_EXT_texture_env_combine extensions,
> though the functionality this extension represents will be available
> through the core 1.3 API."
> Example:
> vtkOpenGLExtensionManager *manager;
> // Test for the extension
> int supports_GL_1_3=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_3");
> int supports_multitexture;
> if(supports_GL_1_3)
> {
>  supports_multitexture=1;
> }
> else
> {
>  supports_multitexture=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_multitexture");
> }
> // If supported, load the functions of this extension
> if(supports_multitexture)
> {
>  if(supports_GL_1_3)
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_3");
>   }
> else
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_ARB_multitexture");
>   }
> }
> The *problem* is that the code that uses this extension will have an if
> statement each time it uses it because the functions are different between
> the core API and the extension one:
> if(supports_GL_1_3)
> {
>  vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0);
> }
> else
> {
>  vtkgl::ActiveTextureARB(vtkgl::TEXTURE0_ARB);
> }
> It is even worse when you start using several extensions at the same time,
> the number of if statements just explodes.
> Of course, there is no issue if the extension only provides new
> capabilities without defining new function.
> Examples:
> * GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two defines new capabilities but does not
> define new token/macro or function.
> * GL_ARB_texture_cube_map defines new token/macro but no new function.
> * GL_ARB_multitexture defines new token/macro and functions.
> *******************************************************************
> 2. Solution
> *******************************************************************
> My solution is to provide a new function that initializes the function
> pointers of the OpenGL API with the function pointers of the extension,
> *if* the OpenGL version is not supported.
> Instead of vtkgl::LoadExtension, there will be a line like:
> vtkgl::LoadPromotedExtension("GL_ARB_multitexture",manager);
> Example:
> if(supports_multitexture)
> {
>  if(supports_GL_1_3)
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_3");
>   }
>  else
>   {
>   vtkgl::LoadPromotedExtension("GL_ARB_multitexture",manager);
>   // or, if the function is added the the vtkOpenGLExtensionManager:
>   manager->LoadPromotedExtension("GL_ARB_multitexture");
>  }
> }
> Hence, the code that uses the extension will be only:
> vtkgl::ActiveTexture(vtkgl::TEXTURE0);
> No more if statements everywhere.
> This function should be in VTK/Rendering: either in
> vtkOpenGLExtensionManager itself or in another file.
> I attached some files vtkOpenGLPromotedExtensions.h/cxx I wrote to deal
> with this issue.
> To compile it within VTK, do the following:
> 1. Save the files in VTK/Rendering
> 2. In VTK/Rendering/CMakeLists.txt, just list the cxx file and list it
> also in the ABSTRACT list to remove it from instantiator list.
> 3. In VTK/Rendering/Testing/CMakeLists.txt, add
> vtkOpenGLPromotedExtensions.h in the list of excluded files for
> HeaderTesting-Rendering.
> *******************************************************************
> 3. Example in VTK
> *******************************************************************
> Typical example in VTK is
> VTK/VolumeRendering/vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper3D.cxx
> Right now, there is some dirty macro change in order to make texture3d
> working with a Mac: 3D textures are supported through OpenGL 1.2 but there
> is no GL_EXT_texture3D extension.
> Current code is:
> // Apple OS X doesn't have glTexImage3DEXT, but it does have glTexImage3D
> #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(GL_VERSION_1_2)
> #ifdef TexImage3DEXT
> #undef TexImage3DEXT
> #endif
> #define TexImage3DEXT TexImage3D
> #ifdef TEXTURE_3D_EXT
> #undef TEXTURE_3D_EXT
> #endif
> #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && defined(GL_VERSION_1_2) */
> [...]
> #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(GL_VERSION_1_2)
>   // Apple doesn't have glTexImage3D_EXT, so load
>   // GL_VERSION_1_2 and use glTexImage3D instead.
>   if (extensions->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_2"))
>     {
>     if (vtkgl::LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_2", extensions))
>       {
>       supports_GL_EXT_texture3D = 1;
>       }
>     }
> #else
>   if(supports_GL_EXT_texture3D)
>     {
>     extensions->LoadExtension("GL_EXT_texture3D");
>     }
> #endif
> [...]
> vtkgl::TexImage3DEXT( vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D_EXT, 0, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8,
> dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], 0,
>                       GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this->Volume1
> );
> I don't think there should be any platform specific code in this mapper
> (or in any mapper in general).
> Right now, the right code should be:
> this->Supports_GL_1_2=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_2");
> int supports_texture3d;
> if(this->Supports_GL_1_2)
> {
>  supports_texture3d=1;
> }
> else
> {
>  supports_texture3d=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture3D");
> }
> // If supported, load the functions of this extension
> if(supports_texture3d)
> {
>  if(this->Supports_GL_1_2)
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_2");
>   }
> else
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_EXT_texture3D");
>   }
> }
> [...]
>  if(this->Supports_GL_1_2)
>   {
> vtkgl::TexImage3D( vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8, dim[0],
> dim[1], dim[2], 0,
>                            GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this-
> >Volume1 );
>   }
> else
>   {
>  vtkgl::TexImage3DEXT( vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D_EXT, 0, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8,
> dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], 0,
>                            GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this-
> >Volume1 );
>   }
> With the promoted extension mechanism I want to add, it would be:
> this->Supports_GL_1_2=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_1_2");
> int supports_texture3d;
> if(this->Supports_GL_1_2)
> {
>  supports_texture3d=1;
> }
> else
> {
>  supports_texture3d=manager->ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture3D");
> }
> // If supported, load the functions of this extension
> if(supports_texture3d)
> {
>  if(this->Supports_GL_1_2)
>   {
>   manager->LoadExtension("GL_VERSION_1_2");
>   }
> else
>   {
>   vtkgl::LoadPromotedExtension("GL_EXT_texture3D",manager);
>   }
> }
> [...]
> vtkgl::TexImage3D( vtkgl::TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8, dim[0],
> dim[1], dim[2], 0,
>                            GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this-
> >Volume1 );
> *******************************************************************
> 4. Implementation of vtkgl::LoadPromotedExtension
> *******************************************************************
> I don't think there is a way to generate this function automatically from
> glext.h because the relationship between the OpenGL API and the core-
> promoted extensions does not exist in glext.h. So I wrote the code
> manually, with the help of some generated vtkgl.cxx.
> Note that some extensions require special care:
> In extension GL_ARB_shader_objects, some functions are translated in
> OpenGL2.0 into two different functions:
> vtkgl::DeleteObjectARB becomes both vtkgl::DeleteProgram and
> vtkgl::DeleteShader.
> vtkgl::GetObjectParameterivARB becomes both to vtkgl::GetProgramiv and
> vtkgl::GetShaderiv.
> vtkgl::GetInfoLogARB becomes both vtkgl::GetProgramInfoLog and
> vtkgl::GetShaderInfoLog.
> Some functions from the ARB extension were removed in OpenGL2.0:
> vtkgl::GetObjectParameterfiv, vtkgl::GetHandleARB
> Some functions in OpenGL 2.0 did not exist in the GL_ARB_shader_objects
> extension and need to have some specific implementation vtkgl::IsProgram
> and  vtkgl::IsShader.
> *******************************************************************
> 5. Other issues with glext.h and vtkgl.cxx
> *******************************************************************
> Going through all the extensions, I noticed that extensions
> GL_ARB_vertex_shader (GLSL) and GL_ARB_vertex_program (assembly language)
> share a couple of functions (glVertexAttrib*ARB and others). In glext.h,
> those functions are only listed in the GL_ARB_vertex_program extension
> section. It means that if you load the GLSL extension
> (GL_ARB_vertex_shader), the function pointers for the glVertexAttrib*ARB
> functions will not be initialized.
> *******************************************************************
> 6. glext.h version
> *******************************************************************
> In VTK, the current glext.h is the latest one from
> http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/registry (from 2005/06/20). It does
> not include OpenGL 2.1, the one from http://www.opengl.org/registry from
> (2006/11/27) includes OpenGL 2.1.  It is not clear for me which one is the
> last official canonical one. Should we update the VTK one with the one
> from opengl.org?
> References:
> [1] "OpenGL Extension Manager" on this page:
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_Shaders . Or directly:
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/images/3/35/VtkOpenGLExtensionManager_Overview.pdf
> [2] http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/extensions.htm
> [3] Linux ABI: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI
> [4] http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2002/tn2080.html
> Regards.
> --
> François Bertel, PhD  | Kitware Inc. Suite 204
> 1 (518) 371 3971 x113 | 28 Corporate Drive
>                       | Clifton Park NY 12065, USA

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