[vtk-developers] Problem with VTK on Compaq SC45/OSF1

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 16:39:23 EST 2006

well, "__array_new2" isn't defined anywhere.. I've grep'ed my entire source
tree (VTK, Mesa, ezViz, Xdmf, Xmdf, & HDF5) and it's nowhere to be found.
NM isn't very helpful either:

emerald0> nm *.so | grep __array_new2
                 U __array_new2
                 U __array_new2
                 U __array_new2
                 U __array_new2
                 U __array_new2

Right now i'm operating on the assumption that "__array_new2" is actually a
mangled version of someone's "new" operator.  I just don't know who, nor do
I know how to find out.

As for CMake, I've tried several times to get 2.2.3 to work but it fails for
a wide variety of reasons.  the GNU compilers are "broken" on this machine
(compiling with g++ give IOT/Abort Traps) so I have to use the Vendor
compilers from HP.  "Bootstrap" probably isn't the right word, because
./configure will run just fine if I set my CC=cc & CXX=cxx beforehand.  It's
during the "make" that it fails.  From the last attempt:

emerald0> gmake
Scanning dependencies of target cmsys
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/ProcessUNIX.o
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Base64.o
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/Directory.o
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/RegularExpression.o
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/SystemTools.o
Building CXX object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys.dir/CommandLineArguments.o
Linking CXX static library libcmsys.a
Scanning dependencies of target cmsys_c
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys_c.dir/ProcessUNIX.o
Building C object Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/cmsys_c.dir/Base64.o
Linking C static library libcmsys_c.a
Scanning dependencies of target testCommandLineArguments
Building CXX object
Linking CXX executable ../../bin/testCommandLineArguments
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::Initialize(int, char**)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::SetUnknownArgumentCallback(int (*)(const char*,
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddArgument(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, int*, const char*)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddArgument(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, double*, const char*)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddArgument(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, char**, const char*)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddArgument(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> >*, const char*)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddArgument(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, bool*, const char*)
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddBooleanArgument(const char*, bool*, const
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddBooleanArgument(const char*, int*, const
cmsys::CommandLineArguments::AddCallback(const char*,
cmsys::ArgumentTypeEnum, int (*)(const char*, const char*, void*), void*,
const char*)
gmake[2]: *** [bin/testCommandLineArguments] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [Source/kwsys/CMakeFiles/testCommandLineArguments.dir/all]
Error 2
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

As for a Dashboard, I don't have any problem with setting one up but there's
a few "gotcha"'s there.  This machine is only supposed to be here for
another 4 months or so, plus due to the location there's lots of security
things that might prevent me from doing it.  Also, it would need to be able
to run on a headless system without X or Graphics Hardware (X is installed,
but not running).  If it will run, I don't see any reason why I can't
manually kick it off at nights, at least as long as we have the machine to
test it on.

On 2/23/06, William A. Hoffman <billlist at nycap.rr.com> wrote:
> At 12:01 PM 2/23/2006, Randall Hand wrote:
> >I've been working on this for 2 days, and I'm running out of ideas.  I
> can compile VTK just fine on our SC45, no errors at all, using cxx/cc and
> Shared libraries.  I can compile applications that use these freshly
> compiled VTK libraries just fine, with no errors.
> >
> >But every time I try to run them I get the following error:
> >emerald0> ./vtk2xml
> >resolve_symbols: loader error: dlopen: libvtkVolumeRendering.so: symbol
> "__array_new2" unresolved
> Have you sniffed around the system with nm, strings, and grep to find out
> if/where __array_new2 is
> defined?
> >I've tried compiling them as static, and while they compile just fine,
> when apps try to link against them I get errors about no table of contents
> on every single .a file.  Anyone have any idea what's going on here?\
> Sounds like ranlib is not being run.
> >  I'm using Cmake 2.0p6, as there are no binaries provided for 2.2.3 and
> the bootstrap won't work
> Why won't 2.2.3 bootstrap?  What errors are you getting?  I would
> recommend building cmake,
> and running its tests, because if they are not working, then VTK most
> likely will not work.
> We used to have OSF dashboards, but the contributors stopped submitting
> them.
> I am not surprised that it is not working.   If you have access to one of
> these
> machines, and would like VTK/CMake to work on it, I can help you, but in
> return I would
> request that you set up a dashboard and submit nightly.  Otherwise, it is
> a waste of time, since
> it will be broken a few months from now with some other problem.
> -Bill

Randall Hand
Visualization Scientist,
ERDC-MSRC Vicksburg, MS
Homepage: http://www.yeraze.com
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