[vtk-developers] OSCone failures

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 11 09:29:31 EDT 2005

Clinton Stimpson wrote:
> So I debugged OSCone to find out why they failed.  The test machines it 
> failed on were using Mesa 6.2.
> A call to glCallList() spits out an X11 BadWindow error in Mesa because 
> it is assuming an on-screen window.  That's bad when a glCallList() 
> spits out X11 errors.  It is also a problem in Mesa 6.3.  I have a patch 
> to fix Mesa, but in general, what do we do on the VTK side when we run 
> into problems like this?

I run a VTK dashboard using a nightly CVS Mesa.  I regularly report bugs 
to the developers when failures are caused by mesa changes.  They are 
pretty good about fixing the problems quickly.  If you sign up for their 
developers list:


and post a detailed report with the patch they will probably fix it.


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