[vtk-developers] Virtual Reality features in VTK

Thierry CARRARD thierry.carrard at cea.fr
Tue Oct 25 02:32:24 EDT 2005


We (at CEA) are developping VTK binding for VRPN library (Virtual Reality
Peripheral Network).
It basically is a small set of vtk classes that encapsulate VRPN client side
features to vtk classes, plus 2 scene manipulator classes (wand and head

We have 2 goals :
1) Have the maximum feedback on eventual bugs and features to add to this
2) Make it fit the VTK-5 interactor/widget architecture.

The package contains a README.TXT explaining things more in detail, and a
simple Makefile to build a 'libvtkVRPN.a"
Information about VRPN can be found at http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/vrpn/

Thanks for your attention.

Software Engineer
Phone : +33 (1) 69 26 63 23
mailto:thierry.carrard at cea.fr

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