[vtk-developers] 3D Fractal generator for Shader Benchmark

Carlos Capdepon carlos.capdepon at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 05:00:14 EDT 2005

I have a little experience with VTK, and I wish to contribute with a class
to VTK.
 This class is a "scale, position, orientation" generator for Simplex3D
Its a fractal in 3D, but I don't known how to place it in the vtk pipeline.
As source or filter?
It could be used as a "triangles per second" benchmark and to test and
measure Shader rendering costs.
 I developed it to simply render thousands of tetahedrons in stereo mode
with a simple gradient of color between vertices.
It can iterate between 1 tetahedron and 1.74e9 tetahedrons. A lot of
triangles, isn't it?
 This class could be improve to fit better to vtk pipeline.
By now, you can use any vtkActor with this class.
 I wish to post it, but I am a new user of the vtk developer list and I
don't know how to do it.
I have followed the rules of VTK in the code, but I have to translate a pair
of variable names from spanish to english.
 Macros, Mtime, and other stuff is not implemented, because I don't how do
"Carlos Capdepón" <carlos.capdepon at gmail.com>
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