[vtk-developers] VTK Widgets redesign

John Platt jcplatt at lineone.net
Mon Aug 29 19:00:27 EDT 2005

Below are some minor issues I have had at various time with widgets. I
was wondering how the new proposals may help.


1. Handle geometry - can the 3D handles be made to remain a fixed size,
independent of any camera zooming? It would also be nice if they could
snap to points.


2. Widget conflicts - I use several scalar bar actors/widgets and suffer
from them being placed on top of each other because I'm too lazy to
check the position! Typically, you just want these widgets not to
obscure your view or each other. Maybe there is a case for a class of
widget that just 'transports' certain actors/info around the render
window. Some simple spatial management functions could then be defined.


3. Custom widgets - how easy will it be to build custom widgets using
existing widgets as composites? For example, suppose I want a ruler
widget consisting of 2 cone handles, a line connecting the handles and a
text box to continuously display the distance between the cones. All the
individual components are built but can they easily be combined?


4. Single use widget - widgets for making some form of 1-off selection
might typically enable on mouse button down, select on mouse move and
disable on mouse button up. Presumably the customised event binding will
allow this type of configuration.


5. Is there any provision to confine the widgets to the render window?









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