[vtk-developers] Fixing VTK Python Installation

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu_r at users.sf.net
Wed Aug 17 21:02:33 EDT 2005

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad King <brad.king at kitware.com> writes:

    Brad> Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
    >> We need to decide on the following:
    >> 1. vtk*PythonD, vtk*Python or vtk*Python, vtk*PythonM?

    Brad> I like the latter but it is working now.  There may be
    Brad> problems with getting the init functions to have the proper
    Brad> name with an M extension.

Yes, I agree that we should leave things be since everything works

    >> 2. Versioning vtkpython, pvtkpython.

    Brad> I think we should just ignore these executables from the
    Brad> python packaging perspective.  I'm not even sure they should
    Brad> be installed at all.  They are meant for running tests.  The
    Brad> only reason it makes sense to install the Tcl executable
    Brad> "vtk" is because it can be built with static libraries where
    Brad> the system "tclsh" could not load them.  Since the python
    Brad> wrappers require shared libs anyway the system "python"
    Brad> should always be able to load them from an installation.

Right, so I'll remove the vtkpython stuff from the setup.py.in when


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