[vtk-developers] CMake

Robert Belleman robbel at science.uva.nl
Sat Nov 1 07:03:17 EST 2003

I find cmake's actions for VTK very puzzling...
Why is that cmake installs .so libraries *both* in
directory "vtk") and not just (and only) in LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH?
Why is that cmake installs include files in
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include/vtk and not in
(it's not that C++ programs use #include "vtk/vtkXXX.h",
just #include "vtkXXX.h")
Why is that cmake recompiles every single source file again when the
only thing I changed is an installation output path?
This is with cmake version 1.9.0 on linux.
-- Rob

[] Robert Belleman, PhD    X  Faculty of Science, Informatics Inst.    []
[] robbel at science.uva.nl  |X| University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands []
[] tel: (+31) 20 525 7510  X  http://www.science.uva.nl/~robbel/       []

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