[vtk-developers] patch to wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor to prevent recursive rendering/updating

Charl P. Botha c.p.botha at its.tudelft.nl
Mon Feb 24 05:56:20 EST 2003

Dear developers (who still have commit access),

I've attached a patch with which wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor will by
default NOT render if its top level containing window has been
disabled.  This is of course configurable.

This change prevents recursive rendering/updating when one calls
wxSafeYield() from the ProgressMethod callback of a VTK process object,
something which is quite often done (to have progress bars and the like
update).  wxSafeYield() first disables all windows (to prevent
user-interaction and consequent code re-entrance) and then handles all
outstanding GUI events.  This usually causes an OnPaint() for the
wxVTKRenderWindowInteractors, which results in recursive rendering. 
With the proposed fix, this is remedied.

Please apply.  I consider this to be a bug fix and hope that it could
make it in before the new release.

I still think my small fix to vtkSource should also be applied.  It also
helps prevent recursive updating.  I've re-attached it in case anyone
has forgotten what it's about.


charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/
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Name: vtkSource.Updating-FIX.diff
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