[vtk-developers] Strange CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE

John Biddiscombe john.biddiscombe at mirada-solutions.com
Fri Feb 7 06:10:40 EST 2003

When compiling vtk with Borland makefiles, CMake gives me 
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Debug;Release
but when building with visual studio (dot net) the option is not present in the GUI. When building other projects, it is visible. I tried adding an extra line in vtk\localuseroptions.cmake to set it to Debug;Release, but it gets removed and still is absent from the gui.
The problem comes when including VTK in other projects (eg ITK and own stuff) which all get the "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE" forced to be "" even though I want to put real values in there.
I'm using CVS from just a few minutes ago for CMake, VTK and ITK to play safe...
can anyone duplicate this behaviour.
(Other projects all display CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE regardless of whther they use vtk or not... I've tried deleting the cache on all projects etc, but still no joy)
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