[vtk-developers] Re: [vtkusers] bug in vtkProp3D::GetOrientation (2nd trial)

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sat Feb 1 07:49:32 EST 2003

>>>>> "PW" == Patric Weis <Patric.Weis at Mycrona.de> writes:

    PW> Sorry for reposting this again, but I have not got any answer.
    PW> Until now it is not fixed in the current cvs trunk.

    PW> There seems to be a bug in vtkProp3D::GetOrientation().

    PW> 1. Problem scenario =================== 1. Create an actor and
    PW> rotate it via vtkActor::SetUserTransform() or
    PW> vtkActor::SetUserMatrix().  2. Pick the actor.  3. The actor
    PW> rotates after the picking. :( This can be repeated. Every pick
    PW> rotates the actor to another orientation. :( :(

Thanks Patric for your bug report.  Patric's full post is here:


I'm moving the discussion to vtk-devel.

I have attached a small Tcl script that demonstrates the problem
clearly.  Just pick the actor several times to see what Patric
describes.  I think Patric's proposed solution is right.  If no one
has objections I'll commit the fix on Tuesday (my time) -- I guess
that gives others enough time to object.  Thanks.


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