[vtk-developers] VTK/Python and Sun new discoveries

Miller, James V (Research) millerjv at crd.ge.com
Fri May 24 13:43:32 EDT 2002

>  (2) The problem seems to occur only with the vtkTkRenderWidget
>  related code.  I suspect that the other GUI toolkits do not have the
>  same problems because I know that Dave Reed uses vtk-python on a Sun
>  with pyGTK.  Can others comment on this?  Andy's reports that the
>  Python tests pass without the Tk stuff is also indicative of this.
>  For instance do vtkRenderWindowInteractor and friends work fine
>  under Sun/SGI?

> Assuming that (2) is correct.  The problem somehow seems to be related
> Python + Tkinter + vtkTkRender*.  So, could the problem actually be

Andy, is your build using the same version of Tcl to build VTK that
Python uses.  We have had many many problems in the past with mismatches
in Tcl versions between compiled and executing (i.e. build against one
version of Tcl and run against a different version).

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