[vtk-developers] Example problem

anast.jm at pg.com anast.jm at pg.com
Tue Jul 2 12:30:03 EDT 2002

Not sure if this belongs here or in Users but here goes...

In VTK\Examples\VisualizationAlgorithms\Tcl\deciFran.tcl it does not look like
this code actually uses the decimate object

<< code snip>>

vtkDecimatePro deci
    deci SetInput [fran GetOutput]
    deci SetTargetReduction 0.9
    deci PreserveTopologyOn
vtkPolyDataNormals normals
    normals SetInput [fran GetOutput]
    normals FlipNormalsOn
vtkPolyDataMapper franMapper
    franMapper SetInput [normals GetOutput]
vtkActor franActor
    franActor SetMapper franMapper
    eval [franActor GetProperty] SetColor 1.0 0.49 0.25

I think
     normals SetInput [fran GetOutput]
should be
    normals SetInput [deci GetOutput]

Also it looks like this script is about a 99% subset of smoothFran.tcl
(obviously a decendant since the comments are spot on copies). Seems to me that
deciFran.tcl could be removed without much loss of  example training info. Not
sure who maintains the examples but....


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