[vtk-developers] vtkOStreamWrapper problem

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Wed Dec 18 09:42:25 EST 2002


> Is the real type of PixelRecentre an int, or some int-compatible type?
> Do the errors show up in only one particular .cxx that includes the
> header, or many?

it's an int. I temporarily fixed the trouble by modifying the SetGetMacro to
have a spcific typecast

#define vtkGetMacro(name,type) \
virtual type Get##name () { \
  vtkDebugMacro(<< this->GetClassName() << " (" << this << "): returning "
<< #name " of " << (type)(this->name) ); \
  return this->name; \

(Also modified ther SetMacro accordingly)

the file in question compiled ok with the above changes, along with a few
more. Now I have trouble with bool type. it's not defined in
vtkOSStreamWrapper and is not "standard", can we use a

VTK_COMPILER_HAS_BOOL type of flag and then do an operator overload for bool
in the stream wrapper?

Must go out now, apologies for brevity.

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